Thursday, February 21, 2008

OmG! I can't hardly wait!

You know, as of now, I am looking for a job.
i'm jobless... not that i'm complaining or anything... I'm on a holiday i know BUT
I seriously need to get out of the house and earn some cash before I leave to NZ.

So searching and browsing through the net I actually came across this interesting website.
Working from home :)
Apparently, all you've got to do is just send emails to others, follow a step-by-step system and they cash in RM30.00 for every email that you've sent.


I'm a member of it now... And i'm going to see how it goes. If you're interested to find out more about it for yourself, just leave a comment (with your email address) and tell me that you want that link and i will email it to you... and take a look. There is, after all... No harm in just taking a look is there now?


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